Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


Oct 08, 2015

TAG 5a7: BeAnotherLab


Marte Roel (Mexico) will be representing BeAnotherLab and talking about their working methodologies, experiences and works. BeAnotherLab is an international anti-disciplinary group that aims at communicating and reproducing subjective experience for building empathy and bonding between people. Their work has been presented in a very wide variety of contexts, from arts, to conflict resolution and neuroscience; in Europe, the Americas the Middle East and Asia. They have been awarded a Honorary Mention from Ars Electronica (2014), a Laval Virtual Award (2014), finalists in the FastCo Design Awards (together with Google and MIT), and a N.I.C.E Award for Innovations, Culture and Creativity.

The group is committed to creating new models of collaboration and sustainability, not based on individuals but on the idea of sharing and expanding identities. BeAnotherLab attempts to break the boundaries between different ways of knowing through their work and by bringing diverse communities together. Their work is licenced under a Creative Commons non-commercial share alike licence.

WHO: Marte Roel of BeAnotherLab
WHAT: Come hear about their work on subjective experience, empathy and bonding!
WHEN: October 8th 2015, from 5PM to 7PM
WHERE: the NEW TAG lab, EV 11.435