Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Tags: Minecraft
(5 results)

Dying to Live: First Impressions of Modded Minecraft

This is an excerpt. For a full version, click here to read it.
By Monday, I managed to relearn everything I thought I knew about Minecraft. The PC controls weren’t far from what kicks in for most folks who haven’t biked in a long while, nor was the in-your-face IMAX view I now had of a world I once stored in my pockets and iPad 2 cases when they were still trendy.
No, it was that this …

New TAG Server – After the Consequences

TAG has just launched a new Minecraft server with a custom modpack, ominously titled After the Consequences. Adopting post-dystopian themes, After the Consequences invites players to explore an infinite landscape in which sprawling cities lay empty and overtaken by lush vegetation and dangerous animals. Choreographed by Bart Simon, with input from TAG’s team of grizzled Minecraft veterans, this is the latest server in TAG’s long history with the game.
A screenshot from After the Consequences
After the …

Minecraft: A Scavenger Run on the TAG Server

A few months ago, TAG launched a shiny new Minecraft server curated by Bart Simon and Nic Watson. Entitled Siegert’s Miasma, the server is  designed to emphasize collaboration and experimentation while providing a “critique of the idea of capitalist accumulation at the heart of Minecraft‘s neo-colonial discourse.” It’s modpack is robust enough to facilitate various types of play, so if players aren’t particularly keen on ushering in a simulated anthropocene then they can simply hop …

Claim-Staking in Minecraft

Thursday June 14th marked the launch of TAG’s second Minecraft server, the Ludodrome! Following in the footsteps of the 2013-2016 iteration – which featured a custom modpack created and maintained by Joachim Despland – this version of the The Ludodrome utilizes the publically available FTB Revelation mod pack to provide an absolute deluge of building options for its players.
But before our crafty TAGsters strap on their jetpacks or attempt to discover the art of metallurgy …

‘Atlantis Transcends’, My Educational Minecraft Experience

The summer is coming and I am drinking in the sweet success of having finished my undergraduate. After four years of attending lecture after lecture, it was a refreshing change to attend ENGL 398E: Video Games and/as Theory in my last semester and do something a bit different. Our Professor Darren Wershler proposed a semester long project in Minecraft building whatever we would like on the unmodded TAG server. Naturally, telling a …