Last Wednesday’s Research Symposium was a great success as Shanly Dixon lead a brainstorming session:“Working on the presumption that people learn through doing, the game design component of the curriculum is intended to provide students with an opportunity to explore definitions and understandings of the concept of privacy through play. Using the Grow-a-Game workshop (created by Tiltfactor as part of Values @ Play) as a model, student will create and pitch game concepts that explore issues of privacy in digital space. Through the game design process, students are asked to identify and consider their own presumptions and experiences with online privacy, in order to create game challenges and dynamics that reinforce specific privacy issues. The workshop is framed as a game in of itself, with student groups drawing random cards detailing specific game styles, topics, mechanics and values that must be incorporated into their game design. Students then will have the opportunity to share and critique each other’s game designs, which is a natural entry point into further discussion on how we as individuals define privacy, the relevance of privacy in an increasingly online world, the types of information we might consider private and why, and the consequences of giving up control of information.”
Over twenty students representing the Arts& Science, Fine Arts, and Engineering faculties took part in the sessions. After the group split up to brainstorm ideas for 15 minutes, each presented their concepts. Then we proceeded in more casual discussions as well as game play, as is the custom at our weekly Symposia.
Our next scheduled presentation will be by Damien Charrieras on “Trajectories, circulation, assemblages. The heterogeneous modes of endurance of digital arts practice in Montréal”
This also marks a more extensive Call For Presentations sponsored by TAG Research Group and the TAG Graduate Students Society for future presentations.

Mohannad Ak and Ramy Daghstani present their privacy game concept