Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


Feb 06, 2015 - May 29, 2015


TAG’s new project space, TAG ATELIER is invested in fostering a community where people with common interests in art, computers, robotics, crafts can meet, socialize and collaborate. We aim to create a safe space for peer learning and knowledge sharing, where makers teach and learn new tools, as well as find other interesting makers and projects.


This new initiative is aimed at providing a supportive community for peer learning, skill-sharing and finally starting on that totally absurd project idea that you had and never thought you would get to do.
Beside games, we are open to any kind of artistic or creative realizations regardless of your background or experience or level of skills. This maker space is all about promoting craftmanship and free creative expression of all kinds. We believe in sharing ideas and passing skills from person to person. In order to do so we will conduct a series of mini workshops including soldering, 3D printing, fibercrafts, and reading schematics. The workshops will be offered in a variety of skill levels, ranging from beginner to intermediate and will be announced on our website and twitter.

Come help us define what our maker circle should look like, meet some new friends, and make all the things.


2.00-5.00 pm: The space will be open to anyone who wishes to use the resources available.
5.00-7.00 pm: The last two two hours will be more structured around skill-sharing and peer teaching.  Check the website for event description.
WHO: You and your crafty friends.
WHAT: The Maker  Circle
WHEN: Friday, January 30th at 5PM until 7PM
WHERE: The TAG Atelier (Concordia University, EV Building 11.425)


We offer technical support in any kind of crafting or structural issues. If you have questions about that do not hesitate to contact Jessica Blanchet at



The hosts of the MakerCircle are Jessica Blanchet, Ida Marie Toft and Jess R. Marcotte .


Jessica is finishing her BFA with a Major in Intermedia/CyberArts. Her main focus has been electronics and Arduino-based art, but she also developed a strong interest in the combination of technology and traditional crafts. Her work involves micro controllers used with different sensors, lots of LEDs and wearable electronics. She puts ornamentation forth in all her works. She explores themes of beauty over concept, processes over results and craftsmanship above all.


ida toftIda Marie Toft is a Copenhagen/Montreal based media artist and PhD student at Concordia. Toft creates site specific games, and develops platforms and hardware that allows for a different types of games that happens in unusual game contexts. She has developed games for the highly politicized, and romanticized streets and beaches of the Maldives shortly after the military coup (2012), for the high art community and St. Marco square of the Venice Biennale (2013) as well as for small art galleries, game events and play festivals. As such her work and research explores (game) technology’s engagement with cultural conventions and expectations to new media practices. As an active member of the Copenhagen Game Collective she works to support and create an environment for experimental game production in Copenhagen and beyond.


View More: Rose Marcotte is an indie game maker with a background in creative writing and communications. She hopes to begin a doctorate in games this fall. Meanwhile she spends her time developing games about issues that intrigue her, scuba diving and playing games. Her latest game InTune is touring a variety of conferences and festivals this year.