Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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1 Oct – Student Projects Roundtable

Posted by Bart

Our next TAG event will be this Friday, October 1st from 1-3pm in the Hexagram Resource Room (EV-11.705).  This session will be a student projects roundtable featuring Shanly Dixon, Kelly Boudreau, Will Robinson, Bérengère Marin-Dubuard, Adam van Sertima, and Andrew Blakney.  Everyone is invited to come along and participate.

The format of the roundtable is light and supple, informal and ice-breaking. The idea is for students to give pecha kucha style quick 10 min presentations of whatever research project/question is most pressing for them at the moment and then to open up for discussion.  This is a great occasion for new students and faculty to get  a sense of what current students have been working on as well as opening the cross-talk channels that make the most of the research that is going on.