Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Le Solidaire

Posted by wbarobinson

It was Tuesday afternoon and my supervisor, Bart Simon said, “You know what would be topical? A game about the charter.” I told him to give me 7 days and a little bit of money. Before he could say no, I ran out the door. I assembled a crack team of game makers. I promised them money I had not been promised myself. I provided a space and browbeat them into making something amazing.
The following game is the result of an experiment. We attempted to make a slanted news article in the form of a video game. We wanted to try to do it in 48 hours. In its current state, it is less than perfect. We have decided to release it in order to share the result of our experiment. If at any point you feel anxious, annoyed or unfairly treated, please generously interpret this as artistic expression.

Currently the game is being publicly hosted at

You can play it at


William Robinson, Pierson Brown, Francis “narF” Sheridan-Paré, and Sam Boucher

Click The Image Below to Start

Le Solidaire