Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Aboagora Synposium

Posted by acole

Our very own Mia Consalvo will be giving a talk at the third Aboagora synposium (August 13th-August15th) in Turku Finland.


Her talk draws on multiple studies of players of videogames to explore how and why people play games and participate in a broader player culture. It challenges dominant assumptions and research showing how players identify with their avatars and questions how we conceptualize our gaming relationships. It also explores how platforms shape player expectations as well as play styles and norms; and how those platforms can encourage as well as discourage participation. Finally the talk explores how players think about ethical dilemmas in games and how they resist as well as sometimes accept styles of play that differ from their personal moral compasses.