Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Be our Visting Game Designer in May 2014

Posted by Bart

parting red sea  The Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) Research Centre and the Department of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University (Montreal), are seeking an accomplished game designer to be in residence for eight weeks starting May 7, 2014. The visiting appointment in game design is in its second year, and was created to bring talented professionals from industry, independent or academic practice to Concordia to enrich the game design, production and research initiatives across the university.

Our previous visiting designer was Pippin Barr and this is the second year we are trying this out after having so much fun the first time. Its a well paying gig that involves teaching one studio course, working on your own stuff and mentoring/advising students and faculty at Concordia University and folks in the Montreal indie scene.

Details of the position are here: . Deadline for applications is December 16th!

Please spread the word through your networks. We think this is an especially nice little appointment for experienced  indie developers/artists  who might be looking for a change of pace, some new networks or just a breath of fresh air.

It’s also pretty hard to beat Montreal in the spring time!