Critical Hit 2018 is hosted by TAG in collaboration with Indienova – China’s largest indie game portal. TAG’s summer game making programs have been focused on producing innovative experimental games through fast-paced iterative prototyping approaches since 2011. This year’s summer school runs for two weeks with the same spirit of exploration, and wraps up with a public playtest on August 9th, 5-7pm.
You are invited to join us testing this year’s games on the roof terrace of Milieux.
Come and meet this year’s participants, play some games, and enjoy refreshments and the view of the city!
WHERE? Milieux Terrace – Concordia EV11 (1515 Ste Catherine W., Mtl)
WHEN? August 9th, 5 to 7pm
WHAT? Playing games, drinking root beer!
WHO? Everyone is welcomed!

Playing games on the Milieux roof during FLOP Arcade 2018