Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


May 28, 2018

Playtesting ‘Common!’

Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan, our game-designer in residence has been working hard the past few weeks, and has a prototype ready for you to play. Please come by TAG to try her game on Monday, May 28th from 5-7pm.

Common is a multiplayer experimental play-thing, and we need people to come playtest. Come play? Bring your your friends! This is a multiplayer experience, more people is better. There will also be snacks!

If you have any questions, //


WHAT? playtesting
WHERE? TAG (1515 Ste Catherine W., Montreal, Concordia Uni, EV 11.435)
WHEN? Monday, May 28th from 5-7pm.
WHO? Everyone is welcomed!