Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Game/Art Sensations

Posted by angela

Come and spend an afternoon with food and drink and sensors. A group of artists and researchers from the TAG lab with a particular focus on sensors and physical interfaces in art, design and games invite you to come and meet (other) people working with sensors. Come and do a 10 minute presentation of some of your projects and/or show us some examples. Following this, we will brainstorm around interesting uses of these and other sensors in games. And.. you can always just come and watch and comment.
The afternoon will be loosely moderated by Amanda Williams and Lynn Hughes.

Place: Lab Poreux, the TAG group’s space at the BNL MTL
Day: Sunday May 10th
Time: 1.00 to 4ish