Okay this is hard to beat… For those who do not know, Montreal is home to a serious LAN party and competition scene but this is the first I have run across the competitive street fighter crowd here. Actually I was cued to this by a student who walked into the TAGlab once but then I forgot about it — and then I found Montreal Street Fighter.
Not only that but they meet at Netchamp which is right around the corner at 1822 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest (up in the Faubourg). Along time ago an MA student in GameCODE (Rob Parungao) did some interviews with WoW players there… now it looks like the place is hopping. Since my brief foray studying LAN gaming (I spent time observing at LAN ETS back in the day) I haven’t been doing a good job keeping tabs on whats been going on… now there’s great organized gaming in our backyard so there is no excuse.
So this is for checking out… the Montreal Street Fighter site has some great video footage, they seem well organized and I do believe another field trip is in order!