Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Tags: indie games
(5 results)

Ben Kane of Steel Crate Games at CGX Montréal

Last weekend I went to CGX Montréal to hear a little about the commercial indie space in the Montréal context. It was largely in the hopes of getting more of a fix on what the pressures are on indie studios, and how people in the field deal with these intelligently. Unfortunately, the business-oriented talks I saw tended to be disappointing on this front, largely sticking to tried-and-true business formulas like: “know how much money you …

Indie Interfaces Announcement

Hello, friends! Dr. Felan Parker here. You may know me as the Toronto-based TAG postdoc, or from my work with the Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA). Along with my fantastic co-investigators Dr. Bart Simon here at TAG and Dr. Jennifer Whitson at the University of Waterloo (both of whom are familiar to many of you), I’m pleased to announce that we have just been awarded a two-year, $75,000 SSHRC Insight Development Grant for our research …

TAG Spotlight: Paloma Dawkins, artist in residence (Part 2 of 2)

This is the continuation of our post from last week, in which we interviewed Paloma Dawkins: game designer, animator, and TAG’s superstar artist in residence.
In Part 2, Paloma talks about going to GDC (Game Developer’s Conference), writing graphic novels, and what she has planned for the future
GDC badge, artistically modified and photographed by Paloma. Borrowed from her Twitter:
Q. What did you see at GDC that was the one really amazing thing?
Every year I go …

TAG Spotlight: Paloma Dawkins, artist in residence (Part 1 of 2)

We sat down for a chat with TAG’s superstar artist in residence, Paloma Dawkins. Paloma is a game designer, animator, and author of multiple graphic novels. She has done work for the likes of the National Film Board, Epic Meal-Time, and Deadmau5. This year, she’s been working on a new creation, Museum of Symmetry. Here’s what she had to say.

Q. What are you working on?
I’m working on a game right now called The Museum of …

Taking Another Look At The Victorianator

In 2011, the Ludic Voice Team, headed by Jason Camlot, created a game with the goal of exploring gesture and Victorian elocution practices. Articles in Wired and the Globe and Mail couldn’t quite agree on what the app made players sound like, but it was somewhere between actually Victorian, Steampunk and Ian McKellen.
Maybe I don’t have a voice that lends itself well to being Ian McKellen, but my experience was fairly different from any of …