Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Tags: presentations
(3 results)

DiGRA 2019 and “Touring” a Thesis

This past August, I had the privilege of participating in the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) conference in Kyoto, Japan. DiGRA is the largest academic conference focusing on games research and I was happy to contribute with my presentation ROM Hacks, Randomizers, and Retro Games: Challenging Copyright and Remixing Zelda. I mainly discussed the second chapter of my master’s thesis — which outlines some of the ways that videogame hackers navigate copyright law to create …

CGSA 2019 Review

This past June, a flock of researchers from the Technoculture, Art and Games Lab flew across the country to participate in the Canadian Games Studies Association’s (CGSA) annual conference in Vancouver. Part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, CGSA is an annual event in which game studies scholars from across the world gather to present their work, discuss research trends, and network with other academics. This year’s conference was hosted on the …

TAG Research Symposium CfP 2012

The 2012 call for presentations/workshops/roundtables for the TAG 5a7 Research Symposium is out! We’re hoping to get more proposals this time around, so PLEASE, if you have a project, or even just a topic you want to discuss with the group, let us know. Also FYI, here is a list of the TAG Graduate Student Society members:
Kevin Freedman
Katian Witchger (on temporary leave)
Salvador Garcia-Martinez
Leif Penzendorfer
Carolyn Jong
Will Robinson
All this list means is that we are 1. currently …