TAG’s Level Up! workshop series brings back comic artist Kim Hoang to teach the basics of manga storytelling and layout. The workshop will take place on Thursday, April 2nd at the TAG Atelier Project space (TAP). Please don’t forget to register!
Introduction to Manga Storytelling and Layout
by Kim Hoang

Manga is currently bringing new readership into the old world of comics in North America. Discover how and why it has charmed our generation through it’s unique storytelling qualities imported from Japan. After a short presentation on some basic techniques commonly used in manga and manga-influenced work, Kim will guide you through some tips on how to maximize your layouts so that your stories work for you.
Beginners encouraged, no drawing skills required! Do not expect an illustration workshop to learn about how to draw “big eyes, small mouth” — it is more akin to an introduction to script-writing for comics.
We will be drawing, however, so please bring your favourite tools. Paper will be provided.
KIM HOANG is a comic artist influenced by shoujo manga, with an indie comics twist. She is a member of Love Love Hill, a Canadian collective that independently publishes anthologies of short comics, art zines, and minis, all lovingly bound in handmade volumes. Her experiments in game-making include “Blush or Burn” (a competitive 2P dating sim) in Pixelles Incubator 2, and co-creating “Nicki Homaj” at Gamerella 2014. She is also the fabricator for Mouffe, a game in a tent played with a blanket controller, made as a part of the Critical Hit incubator. Kim is a graduate of Emily Carr University of Art and Design, holding a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus in drawing and printmaking. Having lived all over Canada, she is currently settled in Montreal.
REGISTER: http://goo.gl/forms/Ns4r2VqvJJ
WHERE? Concordia University, TAG Atelier EV 11.425
WHEN? April 2nd, Thursday – 5pm to 8pm