Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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8 Nov – ESA sponsored Media Literacy Event

Posted by Bart

Cyber-ethics – Does the video game industry have a role to play in fostering a better digital citizenship?

As more and more games transition to partial or full digital platforms, online social interactions are permeating games of all types. From basic civility to issues of legality, new standards of cyber-ethics are being forged online and a new form of digital citizenship is emerging. As one of the world’s biggest hubs for production of first-rate video games, Montreal is leading the world in creating games on digital platforms. But what role does the video game industry have in shaping cyber-ethics and fostering a true sense of digital citizenship.


•Jason Kee, Director, Policy and Legal Affairs, ESAC (moderator)

•Mia Consalvo, Research chair in gamestudies and design and FacultyMember, Communication Studies, Concordia University

•David Waddington, Assistant Professor, EducationalStudies, Concordia University

•Craig Morrison, Executive Producer and Creative Director, Funcom

•Thiéry Adam, Producer, Ludia

Join the Entertainment Software Association of Canada (ESAC) and the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) – Montreal Chapter for a discussion with leading academics and senior members of the Montreal games industry about this topic of pressing relevance.