Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


Sep 12, 2013

September 12 5a7 Symposium – The Tetris Copyright Case

At this week’s 5a7, Jason Begy will recount his experiences serving as an expert witness for the defendants in Tetris Holding Company (THC) vs Xio Interactive. This case was a copyright lawsuit wherein the defendants, Xio Interactive, were sued by THC for cloning Tetris and selling it on Apple’s App Store. Xio admitted to cloning Tetris, but their defense was that the elements THC claimed under copyright were not copyrightable under US law. This presentation will be an informal, personal account, focusing on the arguments made and the ethical issues that arise when an academic, who is used to working in gray areas, must make strong claims that have significant legal ramifications.


What: Jason talks about his experience as an expert witness in THC vs Xio Interactive.

When: Thursday, September 12, 5-7pm

Where: Hexagram Game Lab, EV 11.425, 1515 St. Catherine W.

Who: Everyone is welcome!