Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Posted by pierson


Do you want to know just how strong the anticipation for Critical Hit 2014 is around here?

It’s so overwhelming that last month, a group of dedicated jammers concluded that they simply couldn’t wait for the summer to arrive, and so, in desperate need of a way to scratch that itch that only jams can satisfy, they descended upon Concordia and got the jamming started early and in style.

(No idea what Critical Hit 2014 even is? That’s okay! Well, no, it’s not, actually. But you can make it all better by visiting this page.)

This week, we wish to present you with the fruits of their feverish labours! Drop by the 5a7 this Thursday to meet the pre-jammers, play their games, and try your hardest not to get caught up in the whirlwind of creative vivacity!
Here are the showcase games:

Apple Rumble
By: Jessica Rose Marcotte
What if apples mutated and started to duke it out in your fridge? Welcome to Apple Rumble, the only fighting game where the Player Characters are apple varieties.


Bipbop Don’t Stop
By: Robert Roche, Zach Miller, and Hamish Lambert
Bipbop gonna hop hop all the way to the top he don’t ever drop ’cause Bipbop don’t stop.

Break Time
By: Maxime R. Vallee, Patrick Chan, and Benoit Delassus
Break Time is a strategic turn based survival games, in where you have to make your way to the exit. But careful, each step will bring new disasters on the map!


Cataclysm Hunter
By: Julien Deville, Marc Shakour, and Zach Miller
Take the best photo of the volcano by getting closer to it while avoiding hazards and other players, score points by bringing your photo to the car.


More Monsters, Please!
By: Alicia Fortier and Morgan Lang
Quickly assemble monsters with a friend and feed them to Missy the Beast before she starves to death!


The NeverEnding Saloon
By: “narF” Sheridan Paré and Hamish Lambert
A crowdsourced story game where every player actually made the game!

What: Penultimate Confectionery Concatenation
When: Thursday, April 3rd, from 5-7pm
Where: Hexagram Game Lab, EV 11.425, 1515 St. Catherine W.
Who: Anyone is Welcome!