Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Eludamos issue published!

Posted by Dominic

The latest issue of Eludamos is now on-line @ Grab your free copies (one for each time you browse there – ah, the internets!) now! The Montreal School of Game Studies (as Mark J.P. Wolf once coined it while preparing the Video Game Explosion book) enjoys some representation with a piece by Jonathan Lessard (of Absurdus fame) on Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit and the interactive film genre, and a paper by yours truly as well on video game genre and innovation. There are also lots of interesting stuff – I haven’t read anything yet but gaming literacy by Alex Kendall and Julian McDougall, and a discussion of NPCs in First-Person Shooters by Dan Pinchbeck, both rank high on my reading list.

Incidentally, it seems that Jonathan’s paper (haven’t read it yet, so I could be wrong!) recoups the claim I make in mine – that genres are not tied to technological or mechanistic implementation, but on the phenomenological play-experience and its line of ancestry and tradition. To see Fahrenheit as an interactive movie is exactly that – forget the actual full-motion video, the genre can accommodate 3D graphics. We might be on to something here.