Project Leader: Jason Camlot
Programmer and Designer: Ian Arawjo
Sound Designer: FX Dupas
Artist: Taylan Ülgar
This year’s LudicVoice team is ready to begin adding puzzles to its latest creation, Jarbles! Jarbles is a game about reconstructing audio compositions through touch interaction with tangible 3-D objects, designed for the iPad and iPhone. The design of Jarbles is based on the material objects used in the popular children’s games of jacks and marbles. The player must determine which pairs of jacks (audio components) go together and then combine them to form a marble. These marbles are further ordered by the player in order to solve sound puzzles.
A group of sound designers will meet, under the direction of Dupas, Arawjo and Camlot to engage in a first wave of sound puzzle design for the new game. This sound puzzle jam will function as way to jumpstart the production of puzzles for Jarbles, and as a test session for a sound puzzle jam that we hope to hold for all interested parties, in the TAG lab at the end of the semester. While space is limited, if you’d like to drop in for this test jam, just to see and hear what we’re up to, feel free!
When: Saturday, March 16th from 1-5pm
Where: Room LB 646 (6th Floor Library Building, 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West)