Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Posted by pierson

GlobalGameJam2013_Welcome-1Curious about last month’s wildly successful Global Game Jam? Not sure what Global Game Jam is but still want to play a bunch of indie games whose quality doesn’t betray the fact they were made in just one weekend? Actually participated in Global Game Jam but were too sleep-deprived to remember what you or your colleagues actually made? Join us at this week’s 5a7 symposium for a showcase of the GGJ games that were made here at Concordia! The games will be set up around the lab and available for playtesting for all those who are interested. Don’t miss out!

Also, the Pecha Kucha series continues this week with three more hapless researchers who have volunteered to cram their research, findings, interests, hopes, dreams, and aspirations into a presentation of no more than 6 minutes and 20 seconds. Isaac Lenhart will present on esoteric game interactions. Jason Begy will breathlessly deliberate on structural and orientational metaphors in games, on the life and times of Faunasphere, and on train games. Renee Jackson will present on the game Get Water! and her wrestling match with the idea of “social impact” in relation to the game. Whether you seek insight, new perspectives, or you simply enjoy watching academics motor-mouthing away as their timed slides race inexorably ahead of what they’re saying, it’s worth a visit!

What: Global Game Jam Playtest and 3 Pecha Kucha Presentations
When: Thursday, February 13, from 5-7pm
Where: Hexagram Game Lab, EV 11.425, 1515 St. Catherine W.
Who: Are you? Who who? Who who? (Anyone is welcome!)