Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Flying Heads, Time Travelling Mohawks and more…

Posted by jason

It’s pedal down, wall-to-wall over here at Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace. We’re in full production mode at the this point, trying to both complete work on Skins and on the first episode of TimeTraveller. For Skins, we we’re working with the students to finish the vertical slice of Otsi! Rise of the Kanienkehaka Legends, doing the final modelling and animation, importing them into the Unreal engine to complete the level. We’re also writing the curriculum document, and shooting & editing a documentation video. For TimeTraveller, we’re doing the final edit and soundmix, aiming for a submission to ImagineNative.