Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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MAKERBOT Replicator 2 Setup

Posted by Gina

Our new member, the Makerbot Replicator 2 just moved into the lab. It’s cute and chic, but most importantly it prints in 3D!


The setup was pretty easy. Inserting the PLA plastic took a couple of tries. Our first attempt to print Mr. Jaws, a sample toy shark/clothespin was disappointing.

photo (3) by default 2013-04-23 at 1.59.24 PM by default 2013-04-23 at 2.00.03 PM

With a reset however, “success!”. The miniature was printed to the electronic melody of the makerbot’s humming, buzzing servos. 18 minutes later, Mr. Jaws was decorating Jane’s desk.



by default 2013-04-23 at 2.00.11 PM

Next we downloaded a couple of items from the Thingiverse, Makerbot’s item market, including a die and an iPad Mini case. The former took 12 minutes, and the latter 2 hours to print.


If you would like to print something or learn how to operate the machine, please contact Jane, Gina or Adam.