Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Posted by pierson



Last month, an intrepid band of game jammers came together for Concordia’s second annual Boob Jam. The Boob Jam, which invites participants to make games that explore and tell stories about female bodies from alternative perspectives, produced a number of thought-provoking entries on a diverse range of topics such as the navigation of physical contact and the use of tattoo artistry in the wake of breast cancer surgery. The creators of one such game, Allison Cole, Jessica Marcotte, and Zachary Miller, are eager to share their game with you; as such, I invite everyone to join us this Thursday as we playtest this year’s consent-and-communication Boob Jam creation, In Tune!

“In Tune is a game that deals with bodies, their interactions, and the giving and withholding of consent. Players are asked to negotiate and communicate their own physical boundaries with a partner using skin-to-skin contact as the main controller of the game. In Tune’s goal is to develop players’ skills to navigate consent and physical interactions while hopefully provoking thought about how daily interactions with people and the space around them also involves similarly complicated negotiations.”

I hope to see you all there!


What: Good Game Series #3: Boob Jam Playtest – In Tune
When: Thursday, October 23rd, from 5-7pm
Where: Centre for Technoculture, Art, and Games – EV 11.655, 1515 St. Catherine W.
Who: Everyone is Welcome!