Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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PlayPR Blog day!!

Posted by janetingley

After the GRAND conference set in Montreal on May 2-4, 2012, there was interest in continuing the discussion central to the mashup.  The topic was Ludic Engagement as Real Research.  We – the PlayPR group – decided that we would follow a model proposed by Geoffrey Rockwell – a project initiated by he and his colleagues at U of Alberta called the Day in the Life of Digital Humanities.

In short they chose a topic – chose a day – and blogged about it.

We at PlayPR decided to do the same – I think the discussion should be interesting, and worth checking out.  It lives here…

If any of you are interested in participating – contact me at the tagcoordinator e-mail address and ask for the link.  We welcome posts from anyone willing to discuss.  I will be checking my e-mail all day.

Topic : Ludic Engagement as Real Research

Date: May 25th – all day


Let’s begin!