Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Research & Creation

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Mutual care taking: collectively creating our respiratory wellbeing with open sciences

Fabio Balli

Poster presented at the General Meeting of the Global Alliance against Respiratory Diseases in Beijing.

Background: Worldwide, 6 people out of 10 have no access to treatment, or are not encouraged to follow it. Air pollution alone kills 7 million people yearly, reduces our life expectancy by 20 months, and costs 6% the gross world product. Devices to assess lung capacity remain often unavailable in low / middle income countries.

Actions: We co-create inclusive, open science knowledge: open source breath and air quality controllers, and libre / gratis education to reduce risks and make care fun.

Learnings: Awareness: breath as a way to feel life, from childhood. Universal health: mutualizing resources to end poverty. Partnership: reducing barriers with remote participation.

Published in full open access on Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1344628.

Publication Type

Conference Papers and Talks