Greetings, Tagsters, both sophomore and newly inducted!
Although most of us are still probably waiting, expectantly, for the ‘true’ feeling of summer to settle in (and to bring with it a release from the odious taskmaster of yesteryear), we once more find ourselves perched on the precipice of the Fall; that magical time when most students and faculty are left standing agog as such mystical beasts as ‘free time’ or ‘being able to step outside without losing sensation in one’s face’ speed rapidly into the hazy distance of our proverbial rear-view mirrors.
Hope springs eternal, I suppose.
Idioms aside, the fall also marks the return of the weekly 5a7 Symposium Series! For those of you who aren’t yet aware, the 5a7s are a student-organized series of Game Studies meet-ups that are held every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm on the 11th Floor of the EV building downtown.
Given that this week is the first week of the fall academic term, I propose that the 5a7 this Thursday be thought of as a kind of meet-n-greet/town hall hybrid. This will be the ideal opportunity for all of us to introduce ourselves to the new faces of TAG, as well as for those of us returning from astoundingly frenetic summer schedules to get caught up with one another once more! Your attendance would also be appreciated due to the fact that there will likely be some changes to both the format and the location of the 5a7s for this coming year; this week’s meeting will serve as a forum for input, suggestions, and debate about these potential alterations.
If you have any questions, comments, or rambling diatribes about the 5a7s or my role as 5a7 coordinator, I implore you to get in touch with me at Your input, your thoughts – nay, even your mere presence – will all serve to bolster our rapidly growing community of game-crazy individuals.
So join us, won’t you, for but a two-hour’s absconsion from the rumbling ostinato of academic existential crisis that will, no doubt, soon replace the carefree mirthfulness of the summer past!
I hope to see you all there!
… And now, the ever-indispensable ‘too long; didn’t read’ box:
What: Town Hall Meeting and Greeting
When: Thursday, September 4th, from 5-7pm
Where: Centre for Technoculture, Art, and Games – EV 11.655, 1515 St. Catherine W.
Who: All are Welcome!