Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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TAG 5a7 Symposium – Call For Participation

Posted by Carolyn

In case you didn’t know, Fus Ro Dah translates to Call for Participation

The TAG 5a7 Symposiums are up and running again, which means it’s time to send out another call for participation. If you have something you want to present, a workshop you want to run, a project in need of a good brainstorm, a topic you want to discuss, a game you want to demo, or a fun idea you think we should try out please email me at ckjong(AT) Include in your email a brief description of the event or idea (a couple sentences will do), your name, and an approximate date for the event (e.g. sometime in November). Our gatherings are pretty informal, low pressure, and discussion-oriented, so don’t worry about having something “finished” to show–works in progress and half-baked ideas are more than welcome.

What you get out of the deal: valuable feedback and food for thought, practice presenting and discussing your ideas, exposure for your game/research/whatever it happens to be, and/or a fun-filled time.

Please note: We can neither confirm nor deny that you will become rich and famous by presenting at the 5a7.

We’ll start scheduling events soon so the faster you send us ideas the more likely it is that you’ll get the date you want.