Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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TAG General Meeting – Sept 17 at 1pm

Posted by Bart

durotan-lothar-posters-warcraft-movieIt is the year of the new institute, the year of VR, the year of indie fragmentation and the year of the world of warcraft movie (why please why???).  It is another year of TAG in our new home (EV 11.435) with new people and new ideas.

Come one and come all to the annual TAG general meeting to be held on Thursday September 17th from 1-3pm in the TAGlab at EV 11.435.  If you are an oldster come and find out what’s new, if you are new come and find out why you should care.  We will cover perennial topics like, “what is the TAG research centre?”, “how can I get involved?”, “how do I find out about stuff?” and much much more.

Following the meeting will be fun and frolics and a renewing of relationships and the best of intentions that we let lapse in the crazyness of last year.