Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Tags: CfP
(4 results)

Call for Presentations – TAG 5a7 Symposium

It’s that time of year again. The 5a7s are up and running, every Thursday from 5-7pm in the Hexagram Game Lab (EV 11.425), and we need ideas for discussions, presentations, theme nights, etc. If you have something you’d like to present, a topic you want to discuss, an idea you want to brainstorm, a game you want to show off or playtest, or anything else that comes to mind, please send a brief description (a …

CFP for Edited Book Proposal: Gaming Beyond Screens

EDIT: Deadline extended to April 19, 2013.

We are currently seeking contributions to an edited collection on gestural gaming entitled Gaming Beyond Screens. In recent years there has been a surge of interest in digital games, platforms, and peripherals that employ gestural technologies. The Nintendo Wii, Rock Band, and Kinect are just some of the most popular examples in a long list of games and gaming devices that shift our attention away from the screen and …

TAG 5a7 Symposium – Call For Participation

In case you didn’t know, Fus Ro Dah translates to Call for Participation
The TAG 5a7 Symposiums are up and running again, which means it’s time to send out another call for participation. If you have something you want to present, a workshop you want to run, a project in need of a good brainstorm, a topic you want to discuss, a game you want to demo, or a fun idea you think we should try …

TAG Research Symposium CfP 2012

The 2012 call for presentations/workshops/roundtables for the TAG 5a7 Research Symposium is out! We’re hoping to get more proposals this time around, so PLEASE, if you have a project, or even just a topic you want to discuss with the group, let us know. Also FYI, here is a list of the TAG Graduate Student Society members:
Kevin Freedman
Katian Witchger (on temporary leave)
Salvador Garcia-Martinez
Leif Penzendorfer
Carolyn Jong
Will Robinson
All this list means is that we are 1. currently …