Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art

Tags: Research Symposium
(4 results)

Research Symposium 23 July, 2012

A small group gathered to talk about GDC and Arse electronica. Angelique,Carolyn, Joachim, Jacob from FunCom, Roahim and Adam. Bronson dropped by briefly prior to heading out to Juste Pour Rire.
The conversation touched on the ethics of code especially in indie games versus big AAA games like Mass Escape. This lead to a debate about the best language for coding games. Contrast html 5 w vs. Crysis vs. C++. We also got started on …

5a7 Symposium next week

The first 5a7 Symposium for 2012 will be held next week, January 11th. So far there are no presentations scheduled, however we’ll take a few minutes near the beginning to collect ideas, suggestions, and/or triumphant visions for the upcoming year.
Where: Technoculture, Art, and Games (TAG) LAB, EV 11.425, Corner of Guy and St. Catherine O.
When: Wednesday, January 11, 5pm-7pm
Who: Anyone is welcome, please feel free to bring friends or colleagues who might be interested.
What: Open …

TAG Research Symposium CfP 2012

The 2012 call for presentations/workshops/roundtables for the TAG 5a7 Research Symposium is out! We’re hoping to get more proposals this time around, so PLEASE, if you have a project, or even just a topic you want to discuss with the group, let us know. Also FYI, here is a list of the TAG Graduate Student Society members:
Kevin Freedman
Katian Witchger (on temporary leave)
Salvador Garcia-Martinez
Leif Penzendorfer
Carolyn Jong
Will Robinson
All this list means is that we are 1. currently …

Research Symposium- Privacy Game brainstorming session

Last Wednesday’s Research Symposium was a great success as Shanly Dixon lead a brainstorming session:
“Working on the presumption that people learn through doing, the game design component of the curriculum is intended to provide students with an opportunity to explore definitions and understandings of the concept of privacy through play. Using the Grow-a-Game workshop (created by Tiltfactor as part of Values @ Play) as a model, student will create and pitch game concepts that explore …