Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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The (Various) Aesthetics of Play, a talk by Ragnhild Tronstad, Friday October 30th, 12-2pm, EV-11.425

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Please join TAG Friday, October 30th, from 12-2 in the TAG lab (EV 11.425)

The (Various) Aesthetics of play, with Ragnhild Tronstad.

Play aesthetics is a concept that can be understood in a number of ways:
As the extra-ludic “wrapping” of game mechanics; as visual expressions
typical of a particular gaming culture; or as art expressed through the
medium of play and gaming, to mention some of the most common
understandings. Discussing the implications of these and other examples, I
would like to propose an alternative understanding of the concept, not
restricted to describing properties of actual games but rather reflecting
the more general dynamic experience of being-in-play.


TAG is based in Hexagram at Concordia University in Montreal.
The TAG lab is located in Room EV- 11.425, tel: 514 848 2424 ext 5699
Bart Simon is the TAG Director:
Morgan Kennedy is Research Coordinator: