Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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Wednesday Night 5 a 7 round table

Posted by Adam

Note the cheiristerai (an early game paddle) in the hands of the three figures to the left.

The last two Wednesdays we have had modest, informal get-togethers to play games, gab about our current research, and engage in a symposia. These were so successful, we’ll be doing it again most if not all Wednesdays next semester, 5 a 7 at the TAG lab. If you want to give a short, more informal presentation of your work, let us know, preferably in advance and we’ll make sure the Magic™ players will stop to listen, and the Werewolves will stop harassing villagers so you can speak and get feed back.

If you are a games researcher, especially at the graduate or under- graduate level, Wednesdays would be a good time to drop in and get to know us and what the TAG Group is up to.

Have a great holiday, and hope to see y’all in the new year.

adamvs1 AT gmail DOT com