Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


Nov 28, 2018


On November 28th TAG will be hosting a session of MICROTALKS where TAG student and faculty will be sharing their work in the shape of super fast pecha-kucha style presentations.

Join us and get up to date on the research TAG members have been conducting this year. The nine speakers featured in this first session will talk about a wide variety of topics including, but not exclusive to: videogame hacking, senior gamers, indie game development, documentation methods, hybrid games, and bringing order to chaos.


  • Allison Moore
  • Bart Simon
  • Jess Rowan Marcotte
  • Liane Décary-Chen
  • Michael Iantorno
  • Naj Mahani
  • Oliver Philbin-Briscoe
  • Pippin Barr
  • Stuart Thiel

WHAT? talks + Q&A
WHEN? 28th November, Wednesday – 5pm to 6:30pm
WHERE? Milieux Resource Centre (Concordia, EV 11.705, 1515 SteCatherine W., Montreal)
WHO? everyone is welcomed