Ever felt the desire to play a game where you get to lie down on a blanket to control the on-screen action? Have you longed for a game where the controller is designed to detect high-fives and fist-bumps?
Fear not, dear reader; your days of desire bereft of satiation are numbered, because this week’s Critical Hit playtest is all about Experimental Controllers! This Thursday, come help us reimagine the d-pad, the joystick, the rumble pack and the battery pack in ways you might never have thought possible.
Some of these games repurpose existing controls and others were hand-made this week by our game creators. All of them will be ready to play at this Thursday’s 5a7 – so you had better be, too! They will definitely leave an impression (especially if you fall asleep on the seams of that blanket).
For those of you not following along, (tsk, tsk), this week’s 5a7 is the penultimate entry in a series of 4 weekly playtests designed to showcase the remarkable works being produced by the unfathomably talented teams of game creators that have been brought together for Critical Hit 2014. You can find out more about this enthralling program of rapid-fire game creation here!
Hope to see you all this Thursday!
What: An Exploration of the Haplessly Haptic
When: Thursday, June 26th, from 5-7pm
Where: Hexagram Game Lab, EV 11.425, 1515 St. Catherine W.
Who: Doesn’t want to mess around with wacky controllers? (All are Welcome!)
(Major Props to Jessica Rose Marcotte for writing this awesome blurb about the Playtest!)