Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) is an interdisciplinary centre for research/ creation in game studies and design, digital culture and interactive art


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TAG Research Update: Monday, 18 January, 2010

Posted by Adam

The Ludic Voice(LuV) research group has two possible projects on the table at the moment with several more awaiting future development. One emerged directly out of the original desired points of exploration with the Recitation game, and the other represents an adaptation of some of those ideas to a combined gesture and recitation game.  The first game may still
be called Recite for now, and the second presently goes by the name The Victorianator. Jason met with Elena, Heather  and Amanda in extensive discussions to further develop these ideas.

The Gestural Games Group(G3) are continuing to develop sites for ethnographic study of games using the Wii console. Amanda and Shyam are developing code and test interfaces so in future we can implement off-the-shelf and experimental controllers.

Last week’s Wednesday night symposia featured a Rock Band heavy emphasis, with Adam presenting a paper “Digital Dionysians: Nietzsche, Rock Band and Ekstasos”. This week’s Symposium will center on Amanda presenting her and Shyam’s work;  a research roundtable, with TAGgers talking about their current work; and the usual mixture of ludos and libation.