July 9-11, 2021
Online, available worldwide
This July, GAMERella organizers are planning an event to help emerging game-makers around the world get to the next level! Founded in 2013, GAMERella is a free, learner-friendly and supportive game jam, dedicated to finding ways to better serve people who are often excluded from traditional game-making spaces. The Global edition will feature new, playful and innovative structures rooted in research, experience and participant feedback of the past 8 years. Register now for free here!
Hundreds of people have made their very first game at GAMERella, the world’s longest running inclusive game jam. Now it is time to level up! Make your next game, learn about the industry, make connections across the globe, get a job or start your own indie studio! As always, GAMERella invites women (cis/trans), trans men, non-binary/genderqueer folks, BIPOC, and any others who feel they haven’t reached their potential in game-making, to join GAMERella Global in a weekend of fun game-making. All you need to participate is a computer, internet access, and a clear calendar on July 9-11, 2021.

GAMERella Global 2021 is co-presented by Concordia University’s Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) Research Centre and EA Motive Studio, and is supported by Autodesk and Behaviour Interactive. Our partners include Concordia University, the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, and the one and only Global Game Jam.
Many people still feel intimidated by the game-making scene and find it challenging to participate in events like game jams. In 2013, GAMERella was conceived at Concordia University, and is Co-founder and main organizer Gina Hara is a filmmaker, artist and activist. She is known for her feature documentary Geek Girls that was released in 2018. She is also the creative director of the TAG Research Centre.